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When a picky eater goes to a two-Michelin-starred restaurant

Let me start by providing some context. Tom, my partner, is a foodie who will eat anything. I mean that in the most literal sense; he could win any Fear Factor eating challenge as long as it doesn't include anything with banana flavor (I know, don't

When a picky eater goes to a two-Michelin-starred restaurant
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📚 What I read in February-March

Time for another reading report! As you might have figured from my last post, February and March were travel hectic, but I still managed to finish five books. Yey me! In no particular order, here they are. All The Lovers In The Night, Mieko Kawakami Two months later and I

📚 What I read in February-March
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Back in Lisbon

From Koh Phangan to Chiang Mai to Singapore to Koh Phangan (again) to Hoi An to Bangkok. Three countries, three months. Flights, ferries, busses, trains. Too many. And now, finally, Lisbon. I'm home. For the first time in months, I feel like I can breathe again. Doing basic

Back in Lisbon
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📚 What I read in January

This year I'm aiming to read 40 books. Why this arbitrary number and goal, you might ask. Or not. But I'm happy to share either way! Reading one book per week sounds reasonable, but I'm old enough to know that life often gets in

📚 What I read in January
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Looking back at 2022

What a fucking year, I thought when I looked back at 2020. What a fucking year, I thought when I looked back at 2021. And now, looking back at 2022, again; what a fucking year. Let's rewind. January: Mezcal, Mexico, and Covid January kicked off in Mexico. These

Looking back at 2022
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A series of tiny life crisis

Today is January 10, and I've been Client Work Free for over two months. No need to panic. It's not a failure; it's by design. Make time for reflection At a recent dinner, my friends and I talked about how easy it is to

A series of tiny life crisis
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Waking dreams

It's been a month back in the default world. A month filled with delicious showers, work headaches, and little time to process while trying to stay calm and not divorce my parakeet. With dubious success, I might add, but that's a story for another time. Burning

Waking dreams
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📚 Hot book summer

Looking for reading inspiration for the summer? I got you covered.

📚 Hot book summer
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On finding creativity again

I missed the first train. Complete stop on the Jubilee line. Got the next one. Changed in some tiny town. Arrived in Hepton Bridge. Walked along the picturesque canals. Stopped to buy toothpaste. Got on the bus. The driver was friendly, the way only a bus driver in a small

On finding creativity again
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Week 22

Monday. A week that takes us into June, and as good time as any to get back into old-school blogging. Don't worry, I won't start posting photos of my breakfast. I recently did a writers retreat and if there is one thing I take with me,

Week 22