The times I try to write a coherent story.
A case against apathy
On Wednesday morning a few weeks ago I woke up at 07.03. I went through my usual routine; grinding my Copenhagen coffee beans while walking around the flat, opening shutters and windows, craving light and fresh air. Brewed an espresso with some extra water. Took my cup and laptop

Frankenstein's boobs
I had breast reduction surgery and now I want to talk about it. * * * It's 7.30 in the morning and I'm on my way to the hospital where a surgeon is going to slice my breasts open, cut out tissue and fat, and stitch them back
I won't do another Vipassana (but maybe you should)
Picture this: The Spanish Mountains. A tranquil valley, green hills in all directions, and snow-covered mountaintops looming in the background. Like at the start of a story in which the main character is blissfully unaware of the misery they are about to endure. One of these hills lies a Vipassana
When a picky eater goes to a two-Michelin-starred restaurant
Let me start by providing some context. Tom, my partner, is a foodie who will eat anything. I mean that in the most literal sense; he could win any Fear Factor eating challenge as long as it doesn't include anything with banana flavor (I know, don't

Looking back at Burning Man
I flew into San Francisco on a Friday afternoon and the next day I was in a mini-van with two women I met for the first time, loaded with supplies, on my way to the Nevada desert. I dreamed of it for years and it was finally happening; Burning Man.

Preparing for my first burn
I've been dreaming of joining the social experiment in Black Rock City for a long time. Last year I logged on before the ticket sale started, patiently waited for two hours in the infamous online queue, only to find out it was sold out. This year history repeated

This one time, at Vipassana camp
“Focus your entire attention on the area below your nostrils. Calm and peaceful mind.” I try. I really do. All my attention on the area below my nostrils. I’m the definition of zen. Calm and observing. And by calm I mean trying not to hyperventilate, and by observing I