Week 22

Monday. A week that takes us into June, and as good time as any to get back into old-school blogging. Don't worry, I won't start posting photos of my breakfast.
I recently did a writers retreat and if there is one thing I take with me, it is the importance of showing up for yourself. Every day, accepting your own inadequacy, keep going. I know, feel free to roll your eyes, I'm stating the obvious here. To know something is different from getting the reps in though. I'll share more about the retreat later, but it was five days of exercising that creative muscle and I'm slowly finding the joy in writing again. Bear with me as I try to find my groove here. It might take a while.
On Thursday two of my favorite Swedes are coming to visit and I can't wait to show them everything I love about Lisbon. The plan is to share my recommendations but let them choose their own adventure*.
Until then, business as usual. Working, climbing aerial apparatus at Jaya, and publishing at least one more post here. Do hold me accountable.
*As long as the adventure includes at least one pastel de nata because you simply do not visit Portugal without trying them fresh from the oven.
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